“Europe knows that the future is EURASIA and not TRANSATLANTIC” – Interview about affairs in Asia with Dr. Parag Khanna

Interview partner:

CEO Volker Friedrich conducts an exciting interview about economic and social developments in Asia with Dr. Parag Khanna. He is not only a Managing Partner at FutureMap. As well as a strategy advisor to governments and global companies. But also the bestselling author of the book The Future is Asian. Few people have such a deep understanding of economic and social developments in Asia as Dr. Parag Khanna. No matter what industry or branch you are in, if you have or want to have a business relationship with Asia, you should be interested in this interview with Dr. Parag Khanna. Find the interview about affairs in Asia with Dr. Parag Khanna below.


Volker Friedrich talks about economic and social developments in Asia. For example, why are we afraid of China’s economical growth? Besides, Dr. Parag Khanna claims that opportunities are outweighing the risks. The topic of sustainability and human rights are also not neglected in this Interview. China has meanwhile started the largest investments in clean energies. As a result, they export solar technology, wind energy and conquer the world market. The two also discuss the environmental and political developments. And what those developments mean for future Asia. What changes will the COVID-19 crisis bring? What does this mean for investors and stakeholders?

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