At GBP INTERNATIONAL, we understand that each industry has its own unique challenges and opportunities. That’s why we always make sure to bring in subject matter experts who have relevant experience in your specific field. In our modern world no consulting company is able to have the specialist on their payroll all the time. Thus our team of consultants includes freelance experts with deep knowledge and expertise in various industries, allowing us to provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs of your business. Whether you’re looking to streamline operations, optimize supply chain management, or develop new products, we have the expertise to help you succeed. So when you work with GBP INTERNATIONAL, you can rest assured that you’re getting a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

With our 25 years of experience working across sectors such as agriculture, automotive, banking, chemical, construction, defense, education, energy, environmental, fashion, food and beverage, healthcare, tourism & hospitality, information technology & telecom, manufacturing, mining, pharmaceutical, transportation and logistics, and utilities

GBP INTERNATIONAL has been in the consulting business for 25 years, and during that time we have built a team of experts with diverse backgrounds and experience across various industries. Our consultants have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities of each sector, and are equipped with the tools and knowledge to provide tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of each industry. Additionally, we continuously invest in our consultants’ professional development, ensuring that they stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices. All of this allows us to offer comprehensive consulting services that can help businesses succeed in any industry.

Business Consultant Company

AGRICULTURE: China strategy work for European tractor and harvester manufacturer which resulted in the set up of a successful joint venture project for tractor manufacturing in China

AUTOMOTIVE: Strategy work for a German Bus and Truck manufacturing company to reallign their sales and sourcing strategy in Asia

business management consultant

BANKING: We set up a new bank for our client in the Middle East including banking licenses and a complete business plan

CHEMICAL: for a Fortune 500 company from the USA we did a market survey about new coating materials being used for coating of rotor blades.


CONSTRUCTION: for a German based construction company we are the sales and marketing partner accross Asia Pacific since 15 years

DEFENSE: for a Malaysian start up company we did a technology review of the latest drone technologies available


EDUCATION: GBP INTERNATIONAL Is co-organising executive education programs for CEOs and top management executives with renowned universities in USA (UCLA) and Germany (ESMT)

ENERGY: the production, distribution and use of energy is a core topic in developing countries. We focus on the increase need for renewable energy and have numerous assignments on this subject (Biomass, CO2 matters, hydro, wind, solar)


ENVIRONMENTAL: A core topic with GBP INTERNATIONAL – we successfully developed the Waste to Energy Project for a German/Korean Technoloy firm in Asia

FASHION: A technology start up with a computerised AI technology for pricing adjustments requested us to find business partners in Asias fashion industry


FOOD & BEVERAGE: one of the most dynamic industries with new trends from organic growth to beyond meat and many franchise concepts. A German coffee franchise company embared on their Asia strategy with our help

HEALTHCARE: especially during the COVID crisis we were engaged in the supply of health products from Asia to Europe, Middle East and Europe. A medical glove manufacturer from Asia is a top customer of GBP INTERNATIONAL

Tourism & Hospitality

Tourism & Hospitality: From the development of new resorts to drafting tourism master plans we have been working with operators, ministries and property developers

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Drafting the Spectrum Plan, designing Tower Operations, implementing 5G plans, Artificual Intelligence – IT and Telecom are among of our core references and experiences


MANUFACTURING: The manufacturing industry is among our clientele, from relocation of production, to setting up new plants, importing the machines and sourcing local parts and components

MINING: in countries such as Indonesia, Australia but also in Africa and China the mining industry is a very important sector. Our clients are investors who require feasibility studies, due diligence and environmental impact studies as well as ESG compliance reports


PHARMACEUTICAL: we completed one of our largest and most challenging assignments for a pharma packaging company from Germany – the client was keen to understand the Asian markets better and targeted an acquisition selected by GBP INTERNATIONAL

TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS: transporting goods across the world is a challenge for the stakeholders – we have been assigned with projects related to CO2 footprints, operational improvements, transport of dangerous goods and others


UTILITIES: the smooth operation of power, water and energy suppliers is a key ingredient to economic success in micro and macro perspective. GBP supports utility companies with state of the art solutions and operational improvement programs


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