ASEAN is the place to be

Engaging in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a pivotal move for nations seeking to fortify their foothold in Asia. This dynamic region, comprised of ten nations, presents a myriad of advantages for those actively involved in its development and trade. The importance of ASEAN lies not only in its economic prowess but […]

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European-Chinese Collaborations are being tested

In the dynamic landscape of international collaborations, the enduring EU/German-Chinese partnership, fostered over decades, holds immense significance. As Volker Friedrich, CEO of GBP INTERNATIONAL, emphasizes, “In todays geopolitical thunderstorm unwavering cooperation and mutual respect are the cornerstones for a thriving partnership. Let’s not merely witness the evolution; let’s actively engage in shaping it.” Amidst Xi […]

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Financing early tech adopters

The expert Horasis panel on “Supporting Early Technology Adopters” held in Gaziantep, Türkiye on 23 October 2023, brought together thought leaders from diverse sectors, shedding light on the pivotal role of the human factor in driving technology adoption. The lively and inspirational discussion unveiled insights and case studies that underscored the importance of understanding and […]

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Malaysia: A Thriving Investment Hub Led by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s Vision for Reform

Malaysia has rapidly emerged as a beacon of economic growth and stability in Southeast Asia, attracting the attention of investors from Europe and the USA. With its strategic location, diverse economy, and investor-friendly policies, Malaysia is a prime destination for businesses and entrepreneurs looking to tap into the booming ASEAN market. This growth trajectory has […]

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Global Business Meeting in Turkey by Horasis (Nov 2023)

The eighth Horasis Global Meeting in Gaziantep, Türkiye, centered on “Creating Impact with Innovation, Sustainability, and Reconstruction.” Co-hosted by the City of Gaziantep, the event underscored the significance of collaboration in addressing global challenges. Volker Friedrich, CEO of GBP INTERNATIONAL, actively contributed, showcasing successful collaborations between GBP INTERNATIONAL and participants. Examples include joint ventures in […]

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Presentation on Entrepreneurship Today

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, the entrepreneurial spirit is more crucial than ever. With technological advancements and global connectivity, opportunities for innovation and growth are abundant. It is imperative for students to grasp the rules and foundations of entrepreneurship, as this knowledge lays the groundwork for a successful journey in the business world. Traditional […]

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Entrepreneurship Today – A guest lecture at the University in Berlin (Nov 2023)

Empowering Tomorrow’s Innovators: The Vital Role of Supporting Startups in Today’s Entrepreneurship Landscape In an era marked by unprecedented technological advancements and a rapidly changing global economy, entrepreneurship has emerged as a driving force behind innovation, economic growth, and job creation. Today, more than ever, supporting startups is not just an act of generosity, but […]

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