Asia Pacific beyond China

A colourful mosaic of power, potential and diversity Too often, “Asia” is primarily equated with the People’s Republic of China, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The non-Chinese Asia-Pacific region is, in all respects, larger and more significant than the PRC. India alone, a clear regional superpower, now surpasses China in population. When combined, the […]

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Global Business Meeting in Turkey by Horasis (Nov 2023)

The eighth Horasis Global Meeting in Gaziantep, Türkiye, centered on “Creating Impact with Innovation, Sustainability, and Reconstruction.” Co-hosted by the City of Gaziantep, the event underscored the significance of collaboration in addressing global challenges. Volker Friedrich, CEO of GBP INTERNATIONAL, actively contributed, showcasing successful collaborations between GBP INTERNATIONAL and participants. Examples include joint ventures in […]

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Why learning about Asia matters!

The world is a complex system and looking at it from a 360 degree helps. The Asian continent stands as a mesmerizing masterpiece, rich with colors, textures, and stories waiting to be explored. As global citizens, there are compelling reasons why we should wholeheartedly embrace the Asian continent and immerse ourselves in its wonders. Travelling […]

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“India: Where the Future of Business Finds Unity in Diversity” – Mahatma Gandhi

We would like to draw attention to the remarkable potential India offers to European companies seeking to expand their operations in the dynamic Asian market. With its vast market size, competitive advantages, and conducive business environment, India presents a compelling investment destination for European firms looking to establish a strong foothold in the Asian economic […]

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The forgotten business – Agriculture!

While technology and artificial intelligence is being hyped in economic circles we should not forget the first and foremost need of human beings. In the pursuit of agricultural development in China and India, management consulting firms like GBP INTERNATIONAL can leverage the interest of international companies. As an example we have worked for a renowned […]

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China – do not put all your eggs in one basket
A red container with "china" written on it and a blue container with "europe" written on it

In an era of shifting geopolitical dynamics, European companies operating in Asia find themselves at crossroads. While completely leaving China is not a solution, diversifying dependencies across the region is a wise move. As the saying goes, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Here are some practical steps that European companies can take […]

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Why it pays off to work with professional consultants – a case study.

The collaboration between the customer and GBP INTERNATIONAL went beyond mere guidance, as the consultants of GBP brought real value to the table. Their expertise, strategic thinking, and unwavering support played a transformative role in driving the customer´s success in the Asian market. In conclusion, the consultants from GBP INTERNATIONAL brought real value to the […]

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Case Study: Machinery & Engineering for production lines of the building material industry

The client, a leading European company specializing in the production of machinery and engineering equipment for the building material industry, initially attempted to enter the Asian market with their own resources. However, they quickly realized that they lacked the expertise and experience required to successfully navigate the market. GBP INTERNATIONAL conducted comprehensive market research to […]

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Finding and managing your sales and distribution partner

As companies look to expand their businesses globally, finding the right sales and distribution partner in Asia is the key to success if you want to enter the market with export business first and without having local production. The Asian market is vast and diverse, and navigating its complexities can be a challenge for even […]

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In an exciting development for German startups looking to expand into the Asian market, GBP International has been appointed as a mentor and advisor for German startups in Asia. GBP International, a leading consultancy firm specializing in international business development, has extensive experience and expertise in helping companies expand into new markets. Their appointment as […]

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